@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
Describes a sequence of code locations that specify a path through a single thread of execution such as an operating system or fiber.
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constructor(@Json(name = "id") id: String? = null, @Json(name = "immutableState") immutableState: Map<String, MultiformatMessageString>? = null, @Json(name = "initialState") initialState: Map<String, MultiformatMessageString>? = null, @Json(name = "locations") locations: List<ThreadFlowLocation>, @Json(name = "message") message: Message? = null, @Json(name = "properties") properties: PropertyBag? = null)
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Values of relevant expressions at the start of the thread flow that remain constant.
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Values of relevant expressions at the start of the thread flow that may change during thread flow execution.
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A temporally ordered array of 'threadFlowLocation' objects, each of which describes a location visited by the tool while producing the result.
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Key/value pairs that provide additional information about the thread flow.