A short description of the artifact.
A short description of the artifact location.
A message relevant to the region.
A message relevant to the location.
A description of the location relationship.
A message relevant to this call stack.
A message that describes the condition that was encountered.
A description of the reporting descriptor relationship.
A description of the graph.
A short description of the edge.
A short description of the node.
A message describing the role played by the attachment.
A message relevant to the rectangle.
A message relevant to the code flow.
A message relevant to the thread flow.
A message that describes the proposed fix, enabling viewers to present the proposed change to an end user.
A description of this graph traversal.
A message to display to the user as the edge is traversed.
A message that describes the result. The first sentence of the message only will be displayed when visible space is limited.
A description of the identity and role played within the engineering system by this object's containing run object.
Encapsulates a message intended to be read by the end user.