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Version: 0.12.1

Unused Kapt Processor

Annotation processors act upon a defined set of annotations. If an annotation processor is sufficiently popular and its api is stable, then it's relatively simple to define a list of annotations to search for. For instance, Dagger looks for the following annotations:

  • javax.inject.Inject
  • dagger.Binds
  • dagger.Module
  • dagger.multibindings.IntoMap
  • dagger.multibindings.IntoSet
  • dagger.BindsInstance
  • dagger.Component
  • dagger.assisted.Assisted
  • dagger.assisted.AssistedInject
  • dagger.assisted.AssistedFactory
  • com.squareup.anvil.annotations.ContributesTo
  • com.squareup.anvil.annotations.MergeComponent
  • com.squareup.anvil.annotations.MergeSubomponent

If a module has the Dagger kapt dependency, and that module does not have one of the above annotations somewhere, then Dagger isn't actually doing anything and can be removed.

This is simply a best-effort approach, and it isn't maintenance-free. Over time, the list of annotations for any processor may change. If this rule gives a false-positive finding because of a new annotation, please open an issue and/or pull request.