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Version: 0.12.2

Suppressing Findings

You can disable individual ModuleCheck findings via annotation, just like with any other lint tool.

The name of the check to disable can be found in the name column of console output:

> Task :moduleCheck
ModuleCheck found 3 issues in 6.157 seconds

dependency name build file
:fat-and-leaky inherited-dependency /Users/rbusarow/projects/sample/app/build.gradle.kts: (15, 3):
:fat-and-leaky must-be-api /Users/rbusarow/projects/sample/app/build.gradle.kts: (15, 3):
:unused-lib unused-dependency /Users/rbusarow/projects/sample/app/build.gradle.kts: (49, 3):

@Suppress("must-be-api") // don't switch anything to an api config
dependencies {

@Suppress("unused-dependency") // don't comment out or delete this dependency

@Suppress("inherited-dependency") // don't add dependencies which are inherited from this library