@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
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A physical or virtual address, or a range of addresses, in an 'addressable region' (memory or a binary file).
The address of the location.
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fun Address( @Json(name = "absoluteAddress") absoluteAddress: Int? = null, @Json(name = "fullyQualifiedName") fullyQualifiedName: String? = null, @Json(name = "index") index: Int? = null, @Json(name = "kind") kind: String? = null, @Json(name = "length") length: Int? = null, @Json(name = "name") name: String? = null, @Json(name = "offsetFromParent") offsetFromParent: Int? = null, @Json(name = "parentIndex") parentIndex: Int? = null, @Json(name = "properties") properties: PropertyBag? = null, @Json(name = "relativeAddress") relativeAddress: Int? = null)
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